Friday, December 29, 2006

Today's The Day...

...that I try out my brand, spanking new sewing machine! I have a pattern to make a needle case, but I'm not entirely satisfied with it (much too basic and plain), so with pattern paper I'm making some useful adjustments, adding additional pockets and perhaps a snap-in zippered bag for knitting accessories.

Last month I had bought tons of 100% silk Dupioni fabric, and another ton of ultrasuede scraps in fairly large sizes to use as the lining fabric. I also bought a couple of yards of a gorgeous, multi-colored fabric to use as a contrast. I adore the Lantern Moon needle cases, and my finished result will probably bear some likeness to them.

This test case will be for me, and if I'm satisfied with it I'll be making several more for friends. :)    Look at me, being all ambitious:   several she says!!  lol