Thursday, December 7, 2006

Late Nite With MarDi

I swear, one night soon I'll go to sleep before 3:00AM!

Today was semi-productive. For everything that I accomplished, I could think of two things that I should have done!

But I did finish the knit-along that I started yesterday, and the end result was well worth the panic of last night. I did mine in winter white wool, and made a pocket of muslin to tuck inside, filled with lavender... and pretty white/silver beads to adorn it! Pretty! I'll post a photo when the knit-along is finished at the end of the month...

The mail lady rang the bell with a package this morning... a stash addition, 100% cashmere DK, absolute heaven to touch and I can't wait to be inspired with a pattern to use it on... Oh, my stash groweth every day...pondering an addition to the house to store it all in, ha!

Ok, off to bed >>>