We woke up this morning to more snow! Not too much, only an inch or two, but it seems that as far as spring goes and our progress towards it, we've been taking two steps forward and one giant step back! But this week the forecast looks good, with a couple of days hitting the low 70's. Though looking forward to spring, the snow fall last night really was pretty and the result this morning was postcard perfect. And by end of day it was mostly melted. :)
I finished the baby cardigan, all seamed up and it came out so nice! I had planned on a gripe fest post yesterday when I ran into some ghastly problems with the button band but now that its all sorted out I just don't feel the need to rant anymore. :) Tomorrow I'm planning on going to the LYS on a search for the perfect buttons for it. I'll post a photo of it once buttons are found and attached.
Hope everyone's had a great weekend!