Monday, March 5, 2007

My, How Time Flies!

It didn't seem this long to me since my last post, but time does have a way of getting away from us at times!

Back around the time of my last post I was contacted to make some major updates on a commercial website that I designed and maintain. That was a good three days work, which led me to some major updates on other websites that I work on. Still, I kept meaning to come here and type a few words, only to be so exhausted at the end of the day that I couldn't stay awake long enough to.

The past couple of weeks I've been away from home every day helping Sammi and her sister Jessica to ready the baby's nursery. I've started working on draperies in a beautiful pink toile, with a pale green velvet trim...I think they'll be very pretty. But there I've been and not here, and my poor house has been so neglected! I have managed to knit in between everything else, usually my wind-down time before bed these past nights. I made a kimono-type sweater for the soon-to-be-born baby girl in beautiful white angora yarn, and wishing to make a bonnet to match looked everywhere for a pattern. I couldn't find anything at all for what I had in mind so I actually wrote my own pattern, my first! I'm very happy with the way it turned out, and will post pics tomorrow (along with the Manteau Gari pics which I haven't posted yet).

That's all the news thats fit to print, and now I'm off to bed in a few, with plans to tackle some major house cleaning chores first thing in the morning. Hope everyone has been well! I have some big-time reading to do on a few blogs to catch up on everyone's projects. I see that Donna has been writing novels over at Nonny's This & That! It will take me days to read from where I left off on Valentine's Day! LOL

Have a good night all!